by Lynda Sullivan | Mar 26, 2024 | Criminalisation, Defend the Defenders, latest news english, Recent News, take action
Abduction of Environmental Defenders Eco Dangla III and Joxelle "Jak" Tiong YLNM joins the global call for their immediate release Abduction and enforced disappearance Mass global call in support of the surfacing of two environmental defenders from the Philippines,...
by Lynda Sullivan | Feb 23, 2024 | Defend the Defenders, emblematic cases, latest news english, Recent News, right to say no, water is life
New Tales from the Barroso Mountains Usurpations, Intimidations and Resistances Authors: Mariana Riquito & João da Montanha ___ The sunlight bids farewell to the mountains. The clouds hang in a sky tinged with pink and purple. The birds fly in flocks, returning to...
by YLNMadmin | Oct 22, 2023 | Defend the Defenders, defend the defenders, latest news english, latest news espanol, Recent News, take action
Nosotros, Sí a la Vida No a la Minería y los demás participantes abajo firmantes del Segundo Foro Social Temático sobre Minería y Extractivismo, expresamos nuestra solidaridad incondicional con el pueblo de Palestina.
by YLNMadmin | Oct 22, 2023 | Defend the Defenders, defend the defenders, derecho a decir no, latest news english, latest news espanol, Recent News, right to say no, take action
Kami, “Yes to Life No to Mining” dan para peserta lain yang menandatangani pernyataan ini dalam Forum Sosial Tematik Kedua tentang Pertambangan dan Ekstraktivisme, menyatakan solidaritas tanpa syarat dengan rakyat Palestina.
by YLNMadmin | Oct 22, 2023 | defend the defenders, Defend the Defenders, derecho a decir no, latest news english, latest news espanol, right to say no, take action
We, Yes to Life No to Mining and the other undersigned participants of the Second Thematic Social Forum on Mining and Extractivism, express our unconditional solidarity with the people of Palestine. Sign on to the YLNM Statment in Solidarity with Palestine.
by Lynda Sullivan | Oct 16, 2023 | Defend the Defenders, latest news english, Recent News, right to say no, water is life
Yes to life no to mining at tsf Yes to Life No to Mining members and Regional Contact People formed an integral part of the The Thematic Social Forum (TSF) on Mining and the Extractive Economy, which took place in Semarang, Indonesia from 16th – 20th October...