What we do

We say Yes to Life, No to Mining by bringing frontline voices to global prominence
emblematic casesthematic social forum

Our Statement of Principles


We stand for collective action for a life-sustaining future

We stand with and celebrate all earth defenders. We stand for equality, equity and justice.

We say no to mining and extractivism

We reject all forms of greenwashing by governments, institutions and extractive industries – including ‘green’ extractivism, ‘green’ growth and certification,voluntary standards and related auditing schemes (Español).

We stand against the exploitation of people and nature

This includes mining, extractivism, colonialism, imperialism, patriarchy, racism, ableism and sexism.

Who are We

Yes to Life, No to Mining (YLNM) is a global solidarity network of and for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities affected by the activities of extractive industries, particularly mining. 

Formed in 2012, YLNM includes local, national and regional organisations and grassroots networks who Say No to Mining and seek to advance a future beyond extractivism. 

Extractivism reflects and sustains an economic and developmental model based on the unsustainable and unjust exploitation of People and Nature. It is driven by out-of-control production and consumption, a global addiction to economic growth (GDP), a logic of abusing human rights and pillaging life sustaining systems on which the wellbeing of all life on Earth depends. 

Extractivism gives rise to ever expanding ecological, economic, cultural and social harm across our living planet. Those most at risk of this harm are Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in the Global South and also, increasingly, in the Global North.

Effective action is urgently needed. 

We believe that Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities who are at the frontlines of resistance hold the key to a post-extractive future, and must lead the way. YLNM exists to bring this future into reality through solidarity and collective action.

By coming together to exchange stories and strategies, and through mutual support, communities are building a thriving global solidarity movement which challenges global narratives that threaten life on Earth. 

We advocate for approaches that are ecologically and socially just – that value diverse ways of life; that protect the land, air and waters we all rely on. These approaches will take us beyond the inherently violent and harmful practice of extraction as if the Earth has no limits. 

We encourage and celebrate the voices of all Earth Defenders and collaborate with those who inspire the creation, weaving and sustaining of networks centred in justice and solidarity across the globe.

We share a commitment to actively: 

  • Foster equitable, conscious bonds of solidarity across borders. 
  • Support communities affected or potentially affected by the mining industry to define their own development pathways, including Saying No to Mining. 
  • Promote locally-rooted, globally reaching and systemic alternatives to mining and extractivism. 
  • Recognise that we are all part of nature and reside within Earth’s planetary limits, and that our struggles and alternatives are also interconnected. 
  • Expose corporate and/or state-sponsored environmental and human rights violations and impunity
  • Challenge greenwashing initiatives that commodify social relations or manufacture the social acceptance/validation of mining and extractivism both locally and internationally. 
  • Work against all forms of discrimination and exploitation of individuals and communities and stand for equality, equity and justice.

We do this by:   

  • Supporting and connecting frontline communities through solidarity, networking and exchanges, in order to strengthen community organising and resistance to extractivism.
  • Sharing our resources, knowledge and tactics of resistance through relationships based on trust and care and by creating spaces and platforms for cross-fertilization of strategies. 
  • Challenging the dominant story of the inevitability of extractive expansion and economic growth in the name of “development and progress” which is fed by industry and government public relations and propaganda. 
  • Reframing and shifting narratives by empowering alternatives towards global justice and Good Living / Buen Vivir / Sumak Kawsay / Ñandereko / Küme Mongen / Suma Qamaña / Ubuntu / Swaraj for everyone and not just an elite few. 
  • Weaving together a world beyond extractivism for current and future generations.