Driving destructive mining: EU Civil Society denounces EU raw materials plans in EU Green Deal / Impulsando la minería destructiva: La sociedad civil de la UE denuncia planes de materias primas de la UE en el Pacto Verde Europeo / Encourager l'exploitation minière destructive: La société civile européenne dénonce les plans de l'UE sur les matières premières dans le Pacte Vert pour l’Europe




The 48 European members of the Yes to Life No to Mining network have prepared a common statement denouncing the EU’s plans for a Green Deal and Post-Covid recovery based on the expansion of destructive mining.

The statement outlines a shared analysis of the problems in Europe and worldwide, and proposes solutions that are just for people and planet- from placing de-growth at the heart of action on climate change to securing frontline communities’ Right to Say No.

It is intended to provide a common platform for our future mining resistance work and will also be used to engage EU decision makers to fight our corner.

Collective statement available in:

If you agree with us, please add the name of your organisation/community platform/network to this call to action – we need a big response to the massive threat posed by mining!


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