mining and covid

A global analysis of over 500 sources, identifies four major trends in how the mining industry has abused the pandemic to turn a profit and advance their interests, putting land and water protectors at greater risk of harm.






The key trends are:

  • Mining companies are ignoring the real threats of the pandemic and continuing to operate, using any means available
  • Governments around the world are taking extraordinary measures to shut down legitimate protests and promote the mining sector
  • Mining companies are using the pandemic as an opportunity to whitewash their dirty track records and present themselves as public-minded saviours
  • Mining companies and governments are using the crisis to secure regulatory change that favours the industry at the expense of people and planet,

These trends are explored in-depth the report, Voices from the Ground: How the Global Mining Industry is Profiting from the COVID-19 Pandemic. The report reveals how and why these trends pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of communities and organisations that have been struggling to defend public health and their environments against the destruction and devastation of mining extractivism for decades, as well as to the safety of workers in the mining sector.

Read the report in full here.

Over 300 organisations from around the world released an open-statement (see below) condemning the ways that the mining industry and numerous governments are taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to manufacture new mining opportunities and enhance their damaged reputations.

Global Solidarity with Communities, Indigenous Peoples and Workers at Risk from Mining Pandemic Profiteers

June 2, 2020

The mining industry is one of the most polluting, deadly, and destructive industries in the world. Yet to date, mining company responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have received little scrutiny compared to other industries seeking to profit from this crisis.

We, the undersigned organizations, condemn and reject the ways that the mining industry and numerous governments are taking advantage of the pandemic to manufacture new mining opportunities and establish a positive public image, now and for the future.

These actions pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of communities and organizations that have been struggling to defend public health and their environments against the destruction and devastation of mining extractivism for decades, as well as to the safety of workers in the mining sector.

Based on a collective analysis emerging from conversations with affected communities, workers, and civil society organizations, we have identified the following trends that exemplify this threat. A review of over 500 media sources, press releases, and reports on mining in the context of COVID-19 further informs these findings.


One: Mining companies are ignoring the real threats of the pandemic and continuing to operate, using any means available.

Mining companies and many governments have pushed to categorise mining as an essential service, enabling operations to continue despite substantial risk. In doing so, they have become key vectors for the spread of the virus and are putting communities, rural and urban populations, and their workforces, at great risk. In many cases, Indigenous and rural communities already face acute risk from the virus, especially communities whose health has been impacted by contamination generated by mining extractivism. They are struggling to protect themselves from potential outbreaks.


Two: Governments around the world are taking extraordinary measures to shut down legitimate protests and promote the mining sector.

Free of public oversight and scrutiny, governments have imposed restrictions on people’s freedom of association and movement to protect public health. But these severe and even militarized measures compromise people’s ability to defend their territories and their lives. Land defenders face greater risk of targeted violence and some remain unjustly imprisoned, posing additional risks of infection. Governments have also deployed state forces (military and police) to repress legitimate, safe protests, especially in instances where there is long standing opposition to a company’s activities. In some instances, this has included the implementation of regulations or obstacles to access the justice system which entrench impunity, as well as heightened military and police presence in these territories. Meanwhile, mining companies are permitted to continue operating in these same territories 2 or do so, despite restrictions. These and other actions cynically and unjustly benefit the extractivist mining sector.

Three: Mining companies are using the pandemic as an opportunity to whitewash their dirty track records and present themselves as public-minded saviours

At a time when entire countries are struggling to get the bare minimum of test kits necessary, companies have boasted about the millions of privately sourced test kits they have provided to affected communities and workers. This is poor cover for the long-term health impacts that regularly result from mining activities and the often underhanded ways in which these same firms operate. It also represents an affront to the greater public good and the collective efforts of many states and communities to secure public access to tests, highlighting the glaring asymmetries of power between multinational corporations and states in the Global South. In some cases, companies are giving out food directly to people, creating social division and undermining peaceful resistance while people are unable to mobilize in the context of the pandemic.

Some mining companies have set up assistance funds or made sizable donations to state ministries. These direct cash ‘donations’ are not only far from commensurate with the real impacts of their activities, they also represent a corruption risk, which is already evident as we see governments willing to weaken emergency measures, fail to enforce those in place, or exclude the mining industry from them entirely.

Four: Mining companies and governments are using the crisis to secure regulatory change that favours the industry at the expense of people and planet.

While they frame mining as essential now and for global post-COVID-19 economic recovery, mining companies are lobbying to expedite administrative decisions and weaken the already-limited measures which do exist to address the social, cultural, environmental, and economic impacts of their activities that are almost always borne by affected communities with complete impunity. Whether explicitly, by suspending the little environmental oversight and enforcement there was, or implicitly, by making it more challenging for affected communities to get information and intervene in permitting processes, governments are making deep concessions to the mining industry – and companies are now lobbying governments to make such deregulation permanent.

At the same time, companies are increasingly using supranational Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanisms, embedded in thousands of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, to sue governments, especially in the Global South. They continue bringing or threatening suits in the hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars for decisions made by governments, courts and even human rights bodies, undermining national sovereignty to make decisions to protect public health and attacking the self-determination of people fighting to protect their wellbeing from extractive projects. Known pending mining claims – and where information is available – currently total US$45.5 billion dollars with the actual total potentially much higher. Further threats are feared in response to measures taken during the pandemic.

We condemn these responses to the COVID-19 pandemic as acts of aggression that exacerbate the threats and risks that affected communities, Indigenous peoples, land defenders and mine workers face on a daily basis.

We reject the central claim that mining represents an essential service either now or for the period of economic recovery. In the context of an intersecting global health, economic, ecological and climate crisis, we assert that healthy communities, Indigenous peoples, workers, and social movements – not the profits of predatory mining corporations – are essential.

We call on national governments to respect and support the autonomous organizing and self-determining processes of mining-affected communities and Indigenous peoples. Their efforts are vital to protecting community health and the environment, informed by their own knowledge and traditions, as well as to the food sovereignty of rural and urban populations through small-scale agriculture and other productive activities. Economic “reactivation” must not promote more mining, but should, instead, acknowledge and bolster community-based initiatives.

We call on international human rights bodies to pay close attention and actively condemn human rights violations committed by governments and mining corporations during the pandemic and the recovery period to follow.

We stand in solidarity with the frontline communities, Indigenous peoples and workers most affected by the COVID-19 crisis and the mining industry’s response. We call on others to support them in their vital campaigns for collective wellbeing and justice.



International Organisations

  1. Center for Pan-African Affairs , USA/International
  2. Friends of the Earth International – International
  3. Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity – International 4. International Association of People’s Lawyers – International
  4. ICCA Consortium – Registered in Switzerland – International
  5. EJ Atlas research collective – International
  6. Merdeka West Papua Support Network – International
  7. World Rainforest Movement – Uruguay – International
  8. Yes to Life No to Mining – International

10. WoMin African Alliance

Democratic Republic of the Congo
11. AFREWATCH – Congo
12. Dynamique pour le Droit, la démocratie et le développement durable (D5) ASBL – Congo

13. deCOALonize Campaign – Kenya
14. Haki Yetu Organisation – Kenya
15. Save Lamu – Kenya

16. Centre de Recherches et d’Appui pour les Alternatives de Développement – Océan Indien (CRAAD-OI) – Madagascar

17. Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) – Nigeria
18. EcoActors – Nigeria
19. Kebetkache Women Development & Resource Centre – Nigeria 20. Vivian Bellonwu/Social Action – Nigeria 

Republic of Guinea
21. Mamadou Diaby (CECIDE) – République de Guinée

South Africa
22. Biowatch South Africa Trust – South Africa
23. GroundWork, Friends of the Earth South Africa – South Africa
24. Patrick Dowling WESSA W. Cape Membership – South Africa
25. People’s Dialogue, Southern Africa – South Africa 26. South Durban Community Environmental Alliance – South Africa

27. National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) – Uganda
28. National Association for Women’s Action in Development – Uganda


29. Bangladesh Krishok Federation – Bangladesh

30. Environics Trust – India
31. Goenchi Mati Movement – India
32. Kalpavriksh – India
33. Mines, minerals and People – India
34. Silicosis victim association – India
35. The Goa Foundation, Goa – India
36. The Future We Need – India
37. Youth’s Forum for Protection of Human Rights – Manipur, India

38. Aksi Ekologi & Emansipasi Rakyat -Ecological Action and People Emancipation (AEER) – Indonesia
39. Indonesia Mining Advocacy Network (JATAM) – Indonesia
40. Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) – Indonesia
41. WALHI Kalimantan Tengah – Indonesia
42. Women Working Group ( WWG) – Indonesia

43. Friends of the Earth Japan – Japan

44. Gobi Soil – Mongolia
45. Oyu Tolgoi Watch – Mongolia
46. Publish What You Pay (PWYP) – Mongolia National Coalition – Mongolia
47. Rivers without Boundaries Coalition – Mongolia
48. Transparency International – Mongolia

49. Lawyers’ Association for Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples (LAHURNIP) – Nepal

50. Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM) – Philippines
51. Asia Indigenous People’s Network on Extractive Industries and Energy (AIPNEE) – Philippines
52. Center for Environmental Concerns – CEC – Philippines
53. Bai Indigenous Women’s Network in the Philippines – Philippines
54. International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination and Liberation – Philippines
55. Kalikasan People’s Network for the Environment – Philippines 5
56. Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center – KsK – Friends of the Earth Philippines – Philippines
57. Org. IBON International – Philippines
58. Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. – Philippines
59. Workers Assistance Center, INC. – Philippines

60. Ecological Alert and Recovery Thailand (EARTH) – Thailand


61. Aid/Watch – Australia
62. Spirit of Eureka South Australia – Australia
63. Rainforest Action Group – Australia/Ecuador


64. Commission Justice et Paix -Belgium
65. CATAPA – Belgium
66. Friends of the Earth Europe (EU / Brussels) – Belgium
67. Pax Christi International – Belgium

68. Amis de la Terre France (Friends of the Earth) – France
69. Association SystExt – France
70. Collège Solidaire . Association Stop Mines 81 – France
71. Igapo Project – France
72. Maurice Montet for Union pacifiste de France – France

73. Christian Initiative Romero (CIR) – Germany
74. Colectivo CADEHOD (Cadena de Derechos Humanos Honduras) – Germany
75. Honduras Delegation – Germany 76. Oficina Ecumenica por la Paz y la Justicia – Germany
77. “Perú País Minero – La riqueza se va, la pobreza se queda” Campaign – Germany
78. Voces de Guatemala en Berlín – Germany
79. Urgewald – Germany

80. Save Our Sperrins (SOS) – Ireland

81. Associazione Bianca Guidetti Serra – Italy
82. Terra Nuova – Italy
83. Centro di Ateneo per i diritti Umani “Antonio Papisca” Università di Padova – Italy
84. FOCSIV Italian Federation of Christian NGOs – Italy
85. In Difesa Di – per i Diritti Umani e chi li Difende – Italy

86. Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) – Netherlands
87. Global Forest Coalition, coordinator – Netherlands
88. Project HEARD – Netherlands
89. Transnational Institute (TNI)- Netherlands

90. Associação Guardiões da Serra da Estrela – Portugal
91. Associação Unidos em Defesa de Covas do Barroso – Portugal
92. Associação Montalegre Com Vida, Montalegre – Portugal

93. Bureau for Regional Outreach Campaigns (BROC), Far East Region, Vladivostok – Russia
94. Friends of the Siberian Forests – Russia Serbia
95. Earth thrive – Serbia / UK

96. Alconchel sin minas – Spain
97. Asociación ambiental e cultural Petón do Lobo – Spain
98. ContraMINAcción, Rede contra a Minaría Destrutiva na Galiza – Galicia, Spain
99. La Raya sin Minas – Spain
100. ONG Africando Solidaridad con Africa – Spain
101. Postgrado de Dinamización Local Agroecológica – Spain
102. Plataforma Salvemos la Montaña de Cáceres – Spain
103. Research and Degrowth (RnD) – Spain
104. Salva la Selva – Spain
105. Salvemos las Villuercas – Spain
106. SOLdePaz.Pachakuti Asturias – Spain
107. Verdegaia – Spain Sweden
108. Jordens Vänner – Friends of the Earth Sweden – Sweden Switzerland
109. Grupo de Trabajo Suiza Colombia ask!(Arbeitsgruppe Schweiz Kolumbien) – Switzerland


110. Coal Action Network – UK
111. Fresh Eyes – UK
112. Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland – Northern Ireland, UK
113. Global Justice Now – UK
114. Global Justice Rebellion – UK
115. Global Diversity Foundation – UK
116. London Mining Network – UK
117. Movimiento Jaguar Despierto – UK
118. National Hazards Campaign – UK
119. People & Planet – UK
120. RAPAR – UK
121. TAPOL – UK
122. Terra Justa – UK
123. The Andrew Lees Trust – UK
124. The Gaia Foundation – UK
125. War on Want – UK


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