Yes to Life, No to Mining (YLNM) is a global solidarity network of and for Indigenous Peoples, impacted communities, local organisations, and networks who are standing up for their Right to Say No to Mining and advancing life-sustaining post-extractive futures


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latest news

The greenwashing of lithium mining: trying to hide the damage

The greenwashing of lithium mining: trying to hide the damage

We replicate the journalistic article published by the newspaper El Ciudadano together with Fundación Tantí, via our YLNM member OPSAL. The extraction of this mineral is leaving traces that go beyond what is shown in corporate campaigns and the enormous publicity in...

New Tales from the Barroso Mountains

New Tales from the Barroso Mountains

Authors: Mariana Riquito & João da Montanha ___ The sunlight bids farewell to the mountains. The clouds hang in a sky tinged with pink and purple. The birds fly in flocks, returning to their trees. We, too, are returning home after another afternoon spent in the...

If you are from frontline communities, a people’s platform, a non-profit organisation, or a national or regional network and are working towards a world beyond mining we would love to hear from you.

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we stand for life

We have come together under the banner of Yes to Life No to Mining (YLNM) in the shared belief that saying no to mining is a means to guarantee the diverse forms of life on the planet and an absolute necessity at this moment of converging social, economic and ecological crises, rather than a selfish, negative or anti-development position.


who we are

we say no to mining

Bringing frontline voices to global prominence since 2017, Yes to Life No to Mining (YLNM) has collaborated on campaign and research efforts highlighting the critical need for post-extractive solutions to the climate and ecological crises we face


what we do
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